Does CrossFit work?

A few years ago, Sally S. came into CFSC for her first CrossFit class. It was a hard day for her, emotionally even more than physically.
Then she came in for a 2nd class. And a 3rd...
And now? Over 100 lb down, living her best life in Hawaii with son Landon and fiance Rorey, still putting in the work DAILY at CrossFit 808.
She was just featured in Wednesday's Morning Chalk Up, and Thursday's CrossFit "Email of the Day", take a look at her incredible transformation, and read the full article HERE
"A 2016 study that looked at the popular NBC series The Biggest Loser discovered that almost all of the contestants from Season 8 had regained the majority of the weight they lost while on the show.
Data like this has led to a movement in recent years away from short term restrictive dieting and toward slow and steady lifestyle change for the long term...
Salazar is getting married this year and her first coach from CrossFit Soda City in Columbia, SC is officiating her wedding. 'Needless to say CrossFit is (still) a huge contributor to my health and happiness.'"
15 min AMRep (17.3 style)
3 rounds
6 C2B
6 Squat Snatches 95/65
3 Rounds
7 C2B
5 Squat Snatches 135/95
3 Rounds
8 C2B
4 Squat Snatches 185/135
Max Reps @ 185/135
Tier 1 - 36 Reps / 2 - 72 Reps / 3 - 108 Reps / +Max Reps