"Hard work has made it easy. That is my secret. That is why I win."
—Nadia Comaneci
"CFSC At Home" WOD
20 minute AMRAP
2 alt SA Devil's Press (1 ea side)
200m Run
4/200, 6/200, 8/200 etc
8-12 SA Renegade Row R (no push-up)
Rest as needed
8-12 SA Renegade Row L (no push-up)
Rest as needed
Find full info HERE
Got a home gym? Or still have access on base? Check out our regular strength programming for Friday, April 3rd:
Starting w/ empty Barbell
1 Snatch EMOM (every minute on the minute)
- Add 10 lb (men) / 5 lb (women) every minute until failure
- Ideally you are getting 12-20 minutes of reps
- If your "range" doesn't allow that, go up every minute until around 70% of your max, and then go up every OTHER minute
- Once you fail -
Take weight down to 75-80% what you hit in EMOM
and at own pace, hit 5 more perfect reps at that weight to reinforce turnover and positioning.
CFSC “At Home” WOD
(details at link above!)