#CFSC'er Brandi O. made these and brought them to class one day. AMAZING! Stop everything you're doing and make these right now!
CrossFit Soda City approved paleo recipes: Cinnamon Protein Pancakes
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
4 tablespoons Plain Greek Yogurt (can use vanilla flavored if desired)
3 Tablespoons Egg Whites
1 Tablespoon Almond Milk (or nut milk of choice)
1/2 Cup dry oatmeal.
Place DRY oatmeal in a blender and pulse several times until the oatmeal becomes a flour consistency. Then put it in a bowl with all the other ingredients. Mix well. Heat a pan/griddle on Med-High, spray with nonstick spray, and cook as you would pancakes. Batter will be thick. Sprinkle cinnamon on the tops as they are cooking (you can mix the cinnamon in the batter beforehand but be careful not to add too much!).
This amount makes 4 medium sized pancakes. This recipes can easily be doubled or tripled.
*I used Quest Vanilla Protein Powder