From Coach Josh:
Leave It At The Door
A popular CrossFit mantra is to "leave your ego at the door".Come in humble. Come in with humility. Come in open minded.The WOD is going to be a painful reminder of things we can get better at. It will be a mental test of how deep you can dig to push on and continue, and to "continue well" after possibly trying and failing.Regardless of how strong we are, how fast we can do "Fran"; no matter if we have the top time, the biggest lift, the most reps every day- it does not make us better than the person next to us. It does not make us a better person at all.Not just your ego, but your individual stress, anger, negative attitudes- all of it needs to be left at the door. Better yet, leave it in the car before you get out of it, or at your work or home. If you come to CrossFit Soda City, and your head is full of negativity, how do you have room for anything positive?If you say "I can't", guess what? You won't.Luke Skywalker - "What's in there?"“Only what you take with you.”—Yoda