Hope to see your faces on our 9 a.m. Zoom class this morning!
The room will go live at 8:45 a.m. and the warm-up will start right at 9!
Email to get log-in information!
CFSC At Home
1 minute each, scored as total reps
(FGB Style)
- Goblet Thrusters
- Plate G2OH
- HR Push-ups
- Squat Jumps
- Rest
5 min FLR Best Effort
Find full info HERE
Got a home gym? Or still have access on base? Check out our regular strength programming for Saturday, April 25th here:
"Fight Gone Bad"
1 minute each, scored as total reps
- Wall Balls 20/14
- SDLHP 75/55
- Box Jumps 20" for all
- Push Press 75/55
- Max Cal Row
- Rest
- Swap out any movement you may not have access too with any of the above "At Home" items.
- Pace through this, capitalize on your strengths, and don't readline through your weaknesses.
- Don't die!