Some single leg strength work regardless of having access to a gym or not. Enjoy!
CFSC At Home
8-12 Goblet RFESS ea leg
3:30 Work / 1:30 Rest
20 Goblet Squats
400m Run
Max Lateral Burpees Over DB
10 minutes Max Distance: Walk :60 / Run :60
Find full info HERE
Got a home gym? Or still have access on base? Check out our regular strength programming for Tuesday, April 21st here:
8 RFESS (Front Rack) ea leg
- Check "At Home" WOD details for FR RFESS demo
- Warm-up to a solid 8 rep load per leg. 4 sets from there.
**Rest as needed between legs and sets
- Stay STABLE, last reps should not lose positioning
- Use weighted barbell in the front rack, or no weight if needed. Make sure you can mange the weight on BOTH legs
- For the Metcon, feel free to use barbell instead of DB/KB for the lateral burpees
CFSC “At Home” WOD
(details at link above!)