Enjoy the CrossFit Benchmark "Annie" today. All you need is a jump rope!
CFSC At Home
Double Unders
5 minute AMRAP
10 No Push-up Burpees
20 Air Squats
Find full info HERE
Got a home gym? Or still have access on base? Check out our regular strength programming for Monday, April 20th here:
Find a tough tech solid single Jerk
8 minute E2MOM
3 "TnG" Jerks @ 60-65%
- Take your time warming up your jerk. Don't rush your build
- This is a tech solid single, NOT a 1RM unless it happens naturally
**Meaning if it's not landed perfectly locked out, and/or lacking strong control overhead while recovering feet, you do not need to go up.
- Belt as needed
- Drop from top if you are uncomfortable bringing it down
- After you find the tough single, strip weight down to somewhere around 60-65%. Staying at that weight, every 2 minutes, 3 "TnG" Jerks working on really driving UNDER the bar. This should be for quality, not weight.
**Women will typically find this percentage a little easier to manage, feel free to go up if needed. Also feel free to go DOWN as needed if this part is too heavy where it's no longer feeling like good "tech" work.
CFSC “At Home” WOD
(details at link above!)