CrossFit Soda City is proud to support United in Movement!

#COVID19 has spread worldwide, infecting nearly 700,000 people, shuttering communities with entire populations isolated in their homes. Hospitals internationally are understaffed and undersupplied, and businesses are struggling financially, including gyms, with a chance they won’t survive the pandemic.
#UnitedinMovement seeks to bring our worldwide community together during a time of isolation & uncertainty. Our mission is to unite by raising relief funds to support those affected by the pandemic. By creating a FREE online challenge, we aim to motivate people to move!
Unite with us:
1) Share this post! Repost & tag @UnitedinMovement (IG) @unitedinmvmt (FB/Twitter)
2) Register to move!
3) Donate if you are able.
Links and info on the United in Movement website here:
Together, we believe we will be better & stronger when this is over, if we unite in movement, #forwardtogether!
"CFSC At Home" WOD
CrossFit Games Open Workout #12point1
7 minutes of Burpees
*Burpees are to a 6 inch target*
Extra Credit
12 KB or DB RDL
:30 Hollow Rocks
:30 Arch Rocks
(continuous - best effort)
Find full info here:
Got a home gym? Or still have access on base? Check out our regular strength programming for Tuesday, March 31st here:
CrossFit Games Open Workout #12point1
7 minutes of Burpees
*Burpees are to a 6 inch target*
- Take your time warming up for your deadlifts. Include your back crawls and forward/backward butt scoots!
- The Deadlifts are "wave sets". Each set of 6-3 should be heavier than the previous 6-3.
- Only belt final 6-3
- Find #12point1 and EC info on the "At Home" link above!