All Active Members should have received an email detailing a few things as we begin opening back up today.
If you did NOT receive an email, please check your spam folders and let us know and we will resend in case we have a different one on file.
CFSC will be OPEN today from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. and operating within the guidelines of our "Essential" designation we received over the weekend.
Today's WOD will be ALL outside minus necessary bathroom usage.
This is all gone over in the email as well, but:
• If you have equipment leased out from us, please bring it back with you over the next few days to a Session you are attending. If you are unable to come back at this time, feel free to keep the equipment and continue our "At Home" programming!
• For Friday/Saturday and next week, things are still very much in flux with scheduling and making sure we have fully finished inside renovations. We WILL be operational Friday and Saturday regardless, we may just be outside. We will be fully back INSIDE by Monday.
• We will have another email going out later this evening, and another on Friday evening with a better description of what Session times will be available for the following day along with how to Register for a session through the new CFSC app which you will be able to download by Friday morning!
• Please wash your hands when you come in today, and again before you leave after sanitizing all of your equipment.
**Also please sanitize your equipment that you are returning once you walk it in the door!
• No showers. No changing clothes at the gym. Bathrooms are strictly for hand washing and toilet use. That’s it. This will be for short term only. Change at work/home/in car.
• Please no excess of personal items in the gym. Place your bag and/or personal belongings on a shelf when you come in, shelves will be sanitized after each session.
• Before coming into the gym Thursday to return equipment or to use the restroom, please wait for a Coach to greet you outside as we are still wrapping up a lot of renovations on the interior.
We are so ready to have all of you back!
CFSC At Home (and Full Gym Access too)
20 minute AMRAP
500m Run
18/12 Push-ups
100' Walking Lunge
Find full info HERE